Title: Surprise! Author: Ami Ven Rating: G Word Count: 1,185 Prompt: surprises challenge Chracter(s): Ziva David, team Summary: Ziva is sure her co-workers are up to something, she just doesn't know what.
Title: Something in Common Author: Ami Ven Rating: G Prompt: Weaponry Character(s): Jimmy Palmer, Ziva David Word Count: 230 Summary: Maybe Mossad assasins and assistant medical examiners aren't that different after all.
Title: New Author: Ami Ven Rating: G Word Count: 573 Character(s): team, focusing on Abby Summary: The team try to figure out what's wrong with Abby when the lab is silent for a day. Sometimes, new things can be scary.
Title: Book Author: Ami Ven Prompt: Amnesty 2008; "Book" Rating: G Word Count: 279 Summary: A glimpse at Gibbs's thoughts as his team discover Deep Six
Title: Chicken Soup Author: Ami Ven Prompt: Amnesty 2008; "Sickness and Health" Rating: G Character(s): whole team family-ness Word Count: 942 Summary: Illnesses usually travel quickly between people in work environments, and NCIS is no exception.
Title: Good Morning Author: Ami Ven Rating: G Prompt: Amnesty 2008; "AU" Summary: Kelly Gibbs arrives at the Navy Yard early one morning Warnings: practically plotless- actually, mostly plotless
Title: Tuesday Author: Ami Ven Prompt: celebration Setting: vaguely season three Pairings/Warnings: none. Good, clean team fun. Summary: Abby and Ducky notice that the team's morale is slipping, and decide to take action.